
Issue Title
Vol 6, No 2: December 2018 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Langsung Berbasis Praktikum Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Abstract  PDF
Ida Royani, Baiq Mirawati, Husnul Jannah
Vol 11, No 2: April 2023 Development of Electronic Worksheet Assisted by Augmented Reality to Improve Learning Outcomes and Interest in Learning Science Abstract  PDF
Andista Candra Yusro, Muhammad Zaki Ramadhani, Nining Tin Wayuni
Vol 12, No 3: July 2024 Analyzing Student's Science Identity in Science Learning: A Survey Research Abstract  PDF
Alnafa I'anatul Maula, Nanang Winarno, Herman Jufri Andi, Erna Risfaula Kusumawati
Vol 10, No 1: January 2022 Relationship of Students’ Activities, Responses, and Cognitive Learning Outcomes on Natural Science Learning-Based Ethno-STEM in Secondary School Abstract  PDF  Plagiarism Result
Septi Budi Sartika, Nur Efendi, Fitria Eka Wulandari
Vol 4, No 1: June 2016 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Metode Brainstorming Materi Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Abstract  PDF
Mohammad Walid Syaifullah
Vol 7, No 1: June 2019 Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Spot Capturing Pada Materi Pemanasan Global untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Abstract  PDF
Kiki Septaria, Binar Ayu Dewanti, Muhammad Habibbulloh
Vol 11, No 1: January 2023 The Correlation between Learning Motivation Level and Students Learning Outcomes on Science Subjects of Junior High School Class VII Abstract  PDF
Nurul Afiqah, Restesa Rahmayumita, Aldila Novriandami, M Rahmad, Yennita Yennita
Vol 11, No 3: July 2023 The Development of Critical Thinking Skills Assessment Instrument Based on Nearpod in Junior High School Science Learning Abstract  PDF
Rohmatul Maghfiroh, Sri Wahyuni, Zainur Rasyid Ridlo
Vol 10, No 4: October 2022 The Impact of Digital Literacy and Risk Internet Behavior on Science Learning Achievement: A Case Study of Students at Junior High School 1 Kendari Abstract  PDF
Sitti Hajar, Aceng Haetami, Muzini Muzini
Vol 7, No 2: December 2019 Pemahaman Mahasiswa tentang Hakikat Sains dalam Pembelajaran menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Mobile-NOS Abstract  PDF
Yusran Khery, Baiq Asma Nufida, S. Suryati, Sri Rahayu, Miftahul Aini
Vol 11, No 4: October 2023 The Philosophy of Critical Thinking in Problem-Based Science Learning Abstract  PDF
Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Muhammad Sarjan
Vol 9, No 1: June 2021 The Validity of Science Learning Devices Based on the 7E Learning Cycle Model to Improve Concept Mastery of Junior High School Students Abstract  PDF
Muliadi Rahman, Agus Ramdani, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Vol 11, No 3: July 2023 The Effect of the Talking Stick Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Science Subject Abstract  PDF
Saritan N. Kaharu, Abdul Rahman, Pahriadi Pahriadi, Trisilawati A. Aban
Vol 11, No 3: July 2023 The Effect of Couple Card Media on Elementary School Students’ Science Learning Outcomes in Class IV MIN 8 Medan City Abstract  PDF
Indi Rahmawati, Safran Safran
Vol 12, No 1: January 2024 TBLA: Implementation of PjBL and Student Collaborative Skills in Science Learning at MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang Abstract  PDF
Sri Wahyuni, Iin Hindun, N. Nurwidodo, Ravena Puspitasari, M. Mashuri
Vol 8, No 2: December 2020 Development of 21st Century Learning Skills Assessment Instruments in STEM-Based Science Learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Abstract  PDF
Binar Ayu Dewanti, Agus Santoso
Vol 5, No 2: December 2017 Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Abstract  PDF
Aipan Rus, Ani Fatmawati, Agus Muliadi
Vol 10, No 1: January 2022 Obstacles of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Among Science Teachers in Palu City Abstract  PDF  Plagiarism Result
Rafiqa Rafiqa, Sri Wahyuni, Amalia Buntu
Vol 5, No 2: December 2017 Pengaruh Pendekatan Kontekstual Berbasis Hands on Activity terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa Abstract  PDF
Asti Asmawati, I Wayan Karmana, Hunaepi Hunaepi
Agus Muliadi, Mursalin Arifin Arjun
Vol 6, No 2: December 2018 Pengelolaan Pembelajaran IPA Ditinjau Dari Hakikat Sains Pada SMP Di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Abstract  PDF
Lalu Usman Ali
Vol 6, No 2: December 2018 Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terhadap Hasil Belajar Dan Motivasi Siswa Abstract  PDF
Maria A. F. Mbari, Marianus Yufrinalis, Theresia Nona
Vol 9, No 2: December 2021 The Effect of Problem-Based Approach Assisted with Mobile Augmented Reality toward Students’ Science Process Skills And Achievement Abstract  PDF
Yuliana Wahyu, Kanisius Supardi, Marlinda Mulu, Yosef Firman Narut
Vol 10, No 3: July 2022 Profile of Students’ Literature Skills and Responses to Outdoor Learning at Surabaya Submarine Monument in Archimedes Law Abstract  PDF
Sayyidah Anni'matus Sakdiyah Allathifah, Suliyanah Suliyanah
Vol 10, No 2: April 2022 Development of Science Module Based on the Meaning of Temperature and Heat Meaning Learning Model Abstract  PDF  Plagiarism Result
Fauziyah Khoirin Nisyah, Dinar Maftukh Fajar, Binar Kurnia Prahani, Andi Suhardi
1 - 25 of 32 Items > >> 

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