General Information
Journal title | International Journal of Ethnoscience and Technology in Education |
Initials | IJETE |
Publisher | Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika |
Language | English |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March and September) |
DOI | Prefix 10.33394 by |
ISSN | 3046-6946 (Online) |
Editor-in-Chief | Saiful Prayogi | |
Indexed | Google Scholar |
The International Journal of Ethnoscience and Technology in Education (IJETE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the exploration and integration of ethnoscience and technology in educational contexts. Ethnoscience, the study of how different cultures understand and interact with the natural world, offers invaluable insights into cultural practices, knowledge systems, and worldviews. When combined with technology, these insights can enhance educational methodologies, content, and tools, fostering a more inclusive, culturally aware, and effective learning environment. IJETE aims to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge systems and modern educational technologies, promoting the development of educational practices that are both culturally sensitive and technologically advanced.
Vol 2, No 1 (2025): March
All articles of this issue have been reviewed in a blind review process, and the authors and co-authors are from seven countries (Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nigeria)
Table of Contents
Digital Pedagogical Model Based on Climate Change Issues Integrated with Virtual Reality Technology to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking and Climate Change Awareness
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14054
| Read : 73 times
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Suryati Suryati, Dwi Pangga, Habibi Habibi, Irham Azmi
Technology and Social Bonds: Exploring the Dynamics of Human Connection in the Society 5.0 Era
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14056
| Read : 78 times
| Downloads: 17 times
Rangga Alif Faresta, Teo Zhao Ser Bryan Nicholas, Yixuan Chi
Investigate the Ethnomedical Practices of Different Indigenous Communities: A literature Review
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.13903
| Read : 67 times
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Ashebir Awoke, Beatriz Nunes Cosendey
Implementing a Hybrid Ethnoscience Project-Based Learning (E-PjBL) Model Integrated with Virtual Assistive Technology to Enhance Critical Thinking Performance of Science Teacher Candidates
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14106
| Read : 43 times
| Downloads: 26 times
Wahyudi Wahyudi, Ahmad Harjono, Dwi Pangga
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) into Science Teaching and Learning
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14195
| Read : 118 times
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Hisbulloh Als Mustofa, Aina Jacob Kola, Isaac Owusu-Darko
Research Trends in Analytical Thinking Skills for Science Education: Insights, Pedagogical Approaches, and Future Directions
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14142
| Read : 88 times
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Faizul Bayani, Joni Rokhmat, Aliefman Hakim, AA Sukarso
Reimagining Physics Education: Addressing Student Engagement, Curriculum Reform, and Technology Integration for Learning
DOI : 10.33394/ijete.v2i1.14058
| Read : 93 times
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Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Nina Nisrina