
Issue Title
Vol 8, No 2: December 2020 The Impact of Environmental Based Physics Learning on Students' Concept Mastery and Ecopreneurship Management Abstract  PDF
Titin Sunarti, Eko Hariyono, Woro Setyarsih, Binar Kurnia Prahani, S. Suyidno
Vol 9, No 2: December 2021 The Effect of Online Learning Model (E-Learning) on the Prospective Teachers’ Concept Mastery Abstract  PDF
Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Hairunnisyah Sahidu, Ahmad Harjono, Hikmawati Hikmawati, I Wayan Gunada
Vol 9, No 2: December 2021 The Validity of Android-Based Biology Teaching Materials to Improve Students' Concept Mastery Abstract  PDF
Kurnia Dewi Rusdiana Putri, Muhlis Muhlis, Agus Ramdani
Vol 9, No 1: June 2021 The Validity of Science Learning Devices Based on the 7E Learning Cycle Model to Improve Concept Mastery of Junior High School Students Abstract  PDF
Muliadi Rahman, Agus Ramdani, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Vol 9, No 1: June 2021 Computer Assisted Learning Media and Decimal Board: How it Impact on Elementary Students’ Concept Mastery? Abstract  PDF
Helmi Rahmawati
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