Analysis of the Influence of Academic Parenting, Children's Values, and Self-Concept on Motivation to Continue Higher Education in Students in Kawasan Industri Jababeka

Athaya Nadiya Asyhar, Dwi Hastuti, Yulina Eva Riany


This study aims to analyze the influence of academic parenting, children's grades, and self-concept on motivation to continue higher education among high school and vocational high school students in Jababeka Industrial Estate, Bekasi Regency. This study used a quantitative approach with an explanatory design on 120 high school and vocational school students and 120 student guardians. The research instrument used a questionnaire and was analyzed by correlation and SEM tests. The results of this study indicated that the variables of academic parenting, self-concept, and motivation to continue education are in the medium category, while the variable of children's values was in the low category. The results of the T-Test revealed that the motivation to continue their education of high school students was significantly different from vocational students; high school students had higher motivation. The correlation test between variables showed a significant positive relationship between academic parenting variables with self-concept and motivation to continue education. Influence analysis found a direct influence of academic parenting variables on self-concept and self-concept variables on motivation to continue education. The results of path analysis found that the academic parenting variable indirectly affects motivation to continue education, with the self-concept variable as a mediator. The implication of this research is to strengthen the self-concept of students in industrial areas through academic parenting and increase students' motivation to continue their education by forming a positive self-concept.


Academic Parenting; Education; Children’s Value; Self-Concept; Motivation to Continue Education.


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