1. Jurnal Paedagogy published by Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan IKIP Mataram. First published in 2014 according to Decree SK no. 0005.0183/JI.3.2/SK.ISSN/2014.04.
2. Jurnal Paedagogy has been published regularly 2 times a year
3. On October 10, 2019, the merger of IKIP Mataram and University of West Nusa Tenggara into Mandalika University of Education (Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika) caused a change in the name of the publisher of this journal which was originally Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan IKIP Mataram into Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Psikologi Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA).
4. Starting 2020, it is published 4 times a year (January, April, July, and October) according to Decree SK ISSN 0005.27224627/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.06. The change is made to accomodate more quality article published by Jurnal Paedagogy.
5. Starting Volume 7 Number 2 (2020), the layout is change from two columns becomes one column.
6. Starting Volume 7 Number 3 (2020), this journal has changed an Journal Template. This change is an effort to improve the quality of the journal display.