
Announcing the release of the new issue (Vol. 11 No. 2) of Jurnal Paedagogy

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that our latest issue  (Vol. 11 No. 2) has been released on April 22, 2024 and online now.  
Jurnal Paedagogy (JP) has been indexed in DOAJ, SINTA (National Scientific Journal Accreditation), Google Scholar, etc.
The articles contained in this issue have completed the editorial board process in a timely manner. Thanks to the authors for entrusting their best articles to be published in JP. Readers can access the full papers of this issue here.
Best Regards,
Editor in Chief
Posted: 2024-04-24 More...

The Ideal Manuscript Favored by JP Editorial Board


The Ideal Manuscript Favored for JP future issues will be:

(1) Show the apparent noveltyresearch gap, and theoretical contribution of the manuscript.

(2) On the part of INTRODUCTION to CONCLUSION should be 3.500 – 5.000 words or at least 10 until 12 pages.

Posted: 2023-10-17 More...

Announcing the release of the new issue (Vol. 10 No. 4) of Jurnal Paedagogy

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that our latest issue  (Vol. 10 No. 4) has been released on October 17, 2023 and online now.  
Jurnal Paedagogy (JP) has been indexed in DOAJ, SINTA 3 (National Scientific Journal Accreditation), Google Scholar, etc.
The articles contained in this issue have completed the editorial board process in a timely manner. Thanks to the authors for entrusting their best articles to be published in JP. Readers can access the full papers of this issue here.
Best Regards,
Editor in Chief
Posted: 2023-10-17 More...

Indonesia Accreditation Rank from Arjuna Kemdikbud: We are now in SINTA 3

Dear Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and Readers of Jurnal Paedagogy!

We are happy to announce, based on the Decree Letter Number : 0385/E5.3/KI.02.00/2022 released by the Arjuna Kemdikbud, on June 7, 2022. Jurnal Paedagogy received "The SINTA 3" rank. Congratulations!.

Posted: 2022-06-08 More...



Announcement of change of address of the Open Journal System (OJS) of the Jurnal Paedagogy (JP)

Through this announcement, the Editors of the Jurnal Paedagogy (JP) convey information that:

  1. There was a change in the address of the Open Journal System (OJS) of the Jurnal Paedagogy (JP), which was originally accessed through changed to
  2. Manuscripts that have been submitted starting from March 2021 can be accessed via

Thus we submit this announcement. Thank you for your contribution.

Best Regards,

JP Editorial Team

Posted: 2021-03-18 More...

Call For Paper

We would like to invite all researchers and academics to publish the results of their research and critical review at Jurnal Paedagogy (JP): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan.  
Posted: 2021-01-07 More...

Changes in 2020 (Vol. 7 No. 3)

Please note that this journal has changed an Article Template starting Vol. 7 No. 3 (2020). The template may be subject to modifications and download it on the sidebar of this journal website or Here each time you format a paper for submission.  
Posted: 2020-06-25
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