Table of Contents
Preliminary Study on the Potential of Red Fruit Pigment (Pandanus conoideus) from West Papua as Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)
Jamius Bin Stepanus, Abdul Zaid Patiran, Sabir Sumarna, Muh. Fajar Islam
The Synthesis of Methyl Ester Nitrate from Ketapang Seed Oil (Terminalia catappa L.)
Laily Nurliana, Halimahtussaddiyah Ritonga, Yulita Feronika, Rustam Musta
Identify the Saccharin Content in Iced Tea Sold in Jl. Sapta Marga, Sapta Marga Village, Mataram City
Sri Wahyuningsih, Azwaruddin Azwaruddin, Taufik Abdullah
Development and Characterization of Bioplastics from Straw and Rice Husk for: Effect of Addition of Glycerin, CMC, and TiO2
Gilar Wisnu Hardi, Sari Artauli Lumban Toruan, Berlian Kusuma Dewi, Suci Nurjanah, Nurohmat Nurohmat, Bagus Muhammad Ainul Rifai, Ahmad Hidayat
Absorption of Metal Ions and Dyes in Liquid Waste : A Literature Review
Dahlia Rosma Indah, Aulia Afriani, Nurwahidah Nurwahidah
Development of Particle Board Biocomposite From Coffee Skin and Tofu Dregs With Polyethylene Plastic Adhesive As Furniture Interior
Ali Nurdin Hidayat, Edwin Permana, Dhian Eka Wijaya, Yoga Pratama, Fauzi Zufri
Aeration and Slow Sand Filter Technology in Drilling Well Water Treatment to Reduce TDS Levels
Muhammad Fauzi Zulkarnaen, Husnul Hatimah
Developing Quran-Integrated E-Modules on Salt Hydrolysis: A Learning Cycle 8E Approach for 11th Grade of Senior High School Students
Gibrina Rizki, Elvy Rahmi Mawarnis, Mimi Herman
Development of Student Activity Sheets (LAPD) Oriented to Project Based Learning (PjBL) to Improve Chemical Literacy Skills on Redox Material
Karina Ristya Suryawan, Mitarlis Mitarlis
Implementation of Nggahi Rawi Pahu Philosophy Through in Chemistry Learning Based on Social Cognitive Theory for Student Character Strengthening
Nurfidianty Annafi, Putu Budi Admyana, I Wayan Suastra, I Made Sutajaya, I Nyoman Tika, I Gede Astra Wesnawa
The Chemistry Teacher Activities on The Training of Project Based Learning Teaching Materials Digitalisation
Okta Suryani, Trisna Kumala Sari, Riga Riga, Mawardi Mawardi, Nofri Yuhelman, Edi Nasra, Aglin Velly, Nafisah Yulia Rahmad
Development of Animated Video Learning Media Integrated with Quranic Verses on Molecular Shape Material for 11th Grade Student
Muhammad Taufiq Udzri, Elvy Rahmi Mawarnis, Dwivelia Aftika Sari
Literature Review: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Approach of Chemistry Learning in Inclusion Schools
Aisyah Zahra Nurramadhani, Kiki Putri Septya Pratama, Lisa Amelia, Aldi Kusuma, Farah Erika
Development of Student Activity Sheets (SAS) to Practice Each Creativity Characteristics on Redox Reaction with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model
Aurellia Inin Fathimah, Mitarlis Mitarlis
Ethnoscience Learning Ideas Oriented to Outcome Base Education (OBE) to Foster Entrepreneurial Competency
Yusran Khery, Aliefman Hakim, Joni Rokhmat, AA Sukarso
Antioxidant Activity of Avocado Folium (Persea americana M.)
Fahriya Wusurwut, Hasnaeni Hasnaeni, Risda Waris
Colorimetric Sensor of Hg(II) Ion from AgNPs-MO Quantified Using DIC with ED Equation Approach
Muhammad Bakhru Thohir, Windi Pangesti Kusumaning Tiyas
Antioxidant Activity Analysis of Ethanol Extract from Melandean Leaves (Bridelia micrantha) Using the DPPH Assay
Faizul Bayani, Lale Budi Hutami Rahayu, Supiani Rahayu, Nurul Huaida, Depi Yuliana, Hulyadi Hulyadi, Gargazi Gargazi
Synthesis of Cellulose Straw and Rice Husk as Raw Materials for Bioplastic Production
Gilar Wisnu Hardi, Berlian Kusuma Dewi, Sari Artauli Lumban Toruan, Suci Nurjanah, Syifa Ayu Fitriana, Lia Yunita
Development of Chemis 3D Augmented Reality Media for Discovery Learning Model in Chemical Bonding
Fiska Sahrawati, Muhammad Danial, Pince Salempa, Muhammad Jasri Djangi
Rasch Model Analysis to Develop Assessment Instruments for Student's Science Process Skills on Chemical Bonding Material
Femi Oktavianti, Faizah Qurrata Aini
Analysis The Implementation of Science Process Skills (SPS) Assessment in Chemistry Learning in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review
Ghea Ovilia, Nifela Sakina, Nurlatifah Nurlatifah, Nahadi Nahadi
Needs Analysis of the Development of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) Integrated Green Chemistry e-Module Prototype
Putriade Rahma Yulis, Nurul Fauziah
Application of Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Conceptual Knowledge and Problem Solving Ability of Senior High School Students
Nada Shofa, Supriadi Supriadi, Wisnu Aldoko
Description of Science Literacy Epistemic Knowledge Ability of Chemistry Education Students on the Material of Colligative Properties of Solutions
Rahmad Ulwan, Eny Enawaty, Rini Muharini, Hairida Hairida, Ira Lestari
Profile and Characteristics of Analgesic Use in Myalgia Cases at Soromandi Health Center
Rahmatillah Rahmatillah
Evaluating Glycerol's Performance as a Sustainable Dehydrator in Ethanol Purification
Muhali Muhali, Hulyadi Hulyadi, Faizul Bayani