Efektivitas Penggunaan Biji Kelor (Moringa Oleífera, Lam) Sebagai Koagulan Untuk Menurunkan Kadar TDS dan TSS Dalam Limbah Laundry

Ahsanul Hak, Yeti Kurniasih, Husnul Hatimah


Laundry waste contains detergent which can cause water pollution because it
contains various kinds of substances that can affect various water
parameters, especially such as TDS (total dissolved solids) and TSS (total
suspended solids). To reduce these parameters is done by the coagulation
process which is adding moringa seed powder as coagulant. Moringa seeds
can work as a coagulant because they contain an active substance, 4-alfa-4-
rhamnosyloxy-benzil-isothiocyanate. The coagulation process was carried out
by varying several coagulation parameters such as the size of the coagulant
powder (Al (80-100mesh) and A2 (100mesh), stirring speed (slow, medium,
and fast), settling time (15, 45 and 75 minutes) and mass ratio to sample
volume (100 mg against 100, 150 and 200 mL) .The samples used in the
coagulation process were taken by grab sampling technique and the
determination of TDS and TSS levels was carried out by the gravimetric
method. The data showed the size of moringa seed powder coagulant, stirring
speed, settling time and coagulant mass ratio with sample volume influence
the% decrease in TDS and TSS levels, optimum conditions on coagulant
powder size> 100 mesh, moderate stirring speed, 15 minute deposition time
and coagulant mass ratio to sample volume 1: 1 ( mg / L), where% decrease
in TDS is 74.07% from 270000 mg / L to 70000 mg / L and TSS of 82.14%
from 56000 mg / L to 10000 mg / L.


TDS, TSS, 4-alfa-4-rhamnosyloxy-benzil-isothiocyanate and coagulation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33394/hjkk.v6i2.1604


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