Gagasan Model Pembelajaran Mobile–NOS Untuk Peningkatan Literasi Sains Siswa

Yusran Khery, Baiq Asma Nufida, Suryati Suryati, Sri Rahayu, Endang Budiasih


This article describes the idea of a mobile learning model - NOS for enhancing
students' scientific literacy and student responses to these ideas. This article is
compiled based on literature studies, simple observations on several variables
supporting mobile learning at IKIP Mataram, and evaluating prospective user
responses to the development idea using a questionnaire. Respondents were 54
students of IKIP Mataram Chemistry education. The response data is processed
by percentage formula based on category criteria. Mobile-NOS learning is
learning that applies the Nature of Science (NOS) learning steps with the support
of learning media in the form of mobile applications that can be applied in smart
mobilephone. The six main steps in implementing learning are oriented to Nature
of Science (NOS), namely: (1) Reading the context on electronic articles; (2) Indepth
questioning; (3) Observation of cases and targets; (4) Demonstration
Procedure; (5) Library Search; (6) Implementing Procedures; (7)
Communicating Science Knowledge; and (8) Authentic Assessment.The results of
this study showed an average response to the idea of developing NOS-oriented
mobile learning at 85.23% with a very good category.


Mobile Learning, Nature of Science (NOS), Science Literacy

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