The Development Of Chemistry Virtual Laboratory On Colloidal System To Improve Generic Science Skills

Khaeruman Khaeruman, Darmatasyah Darmatasyah, Hulyadi Hulyadi


This study animed to obtain the from and feasibility of teaching materials
interactive multimedia based on virtual laboratory on colloidal system
concept for SMA. The development model used in this study was 4D namely
Define, Design,, Development, And Disseminate. But in this study only came
to Development stage. The velopment result was validated by 2 lecturers, 1
teacher and 10 students in Ma Nurul Muhsinin. Based on the assessment of
two lecturers as validatorn got the average (71,3%) with the appropriate
category, the validation result from the subject teachers got percentage of
(77,7%) with appropriate category, and the limited trial result by 10 students
got percentage of (80,8%) with decent category. So it can be concluded that
the feasibility of interactive multimedia based on virtual laboratory on
colloidal system material for SMA/MA/SMK was feasible to use.


Interactive Multimedia, Generic Science Skills, Colloidal System

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