The Modification of Eco-Enzyme Liquid and The Effect on Tomato Preservation with Soaking Then Rinsing in Water Method

Meta Yuliana


Tomatoes are the popular fruit but having short shelf life. This fruit require some treatment to maintain it’s quality during post-harvesting. Eco-enzyme is a fermented liquid, it’s made by fermentation process of fresh waste vegetables or fruits. Previous study showed that spraying tomatoes with Eco-enzyme can maintain the shelf life of tomatoes. This study aim to observe the effect of various liquid in Eco-enzyme fermentation and it’s effect to tomatoes preservation by soaking method. The research was experiment research using quality scale of tomatoes. The Eco-enzyme was fermented using different liquid such as water, coconut water and rice rinsed water. Tomatoes were soaked with each Eco-enzyme treatment with 50% and 100% concentration of each liquid for 5 minutes then rinsed them and observed their quality for 8 days during storage process. The control treatments are non-soaked and non-rinsed tomatoes. The observation include the quality of tomatoes and the quality of Eco-enzyme. The result of this study found that modification of liquid in Eco-enzyme fermentation have different effect for tomatoes preservation. Soaking and rinsing method also have different effect for tomatoes. The best treatment for EE1 is EE1-rinse-concentration 50%, EE2 is EE2-rinse-concentration 100%, and EE3 is EE3-rinse-concentration 50%. The soaking followed rinsing was the best method for tomatoes preservation treatment using Eco-enzyme.


coconut, eco-enzyme, preservation, rice, tomatoes

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