Moh. Wahyudi Catur Raharjo, Suryati Suryati, Yusran Khery


Chemical bonding is a material that has the characteristics of abstract concepts and many
concepts that must be understood by students and the lack of ability of students in relating
 the concepts that have been learned in everyday life. The interactive e-module is an
effective teaching material for improving students' science literacy. This research aims to
develop prototype in the form of interactive e-module using adobe flash on chemical bond
 material to encourage students' science literacy. Type of research used is research and
development with Nieeven model consist of 4 stages: (1) preliminary research stage, (2)
 stage prototyping stage, (3) summative evaluation stage, and (4) systematic reflection and
 documentation stage. The results of the development were validated by expert and
practitioner validators using the instrument in the form of questionnaires and limited group
 trials to the X class students at the Islamic High School Al-Azhar NW Kayangan. Quantitative
data of validation result are analyzed by percentage formula and effectiveness test result is
 calculated with N-gain. Qualitative data in the form of responses and suggestions for
 improvement of validators are used as consideration for revision of the developed
 prototype. In general, validator assessments of development outcomes were obtained
by average percentage by expert validation 88%, 90% practicability of teachers,
 and 85% limited group trial results, and the results of the N-gain effectiveness
test of 0.5. This shows that the developed e-modules are very feasible to proceed
 to a broader stage and can foster students' literacy skills.


E-Modul Interaktif, Adobe flash, Scientific Literasi

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