Integrated Science Learning with Connected Model Based on Ethnoscience to Enhance the Creative Thinking Dimension of Pancasila Student Profile

Nur Avifatun, Firdaus Firdaus


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of integrated science learning using a connected model based on ethnoscience to improve the Pancasila Student Profile, particularly in the creative thinking dimension. A quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method was employed. The research sample consisted of 30 eighth-grade students from MTs Ma'arif Garung, divided into experimental and control groups. Research instruments included pretests, posttests, observation sheets, and interviews. Data analysis was conducted using t-tests and N-Gain analysis with SPSS software. Results indicated that the average N-Gain score for the experimental class reached 60%, categorized as effective, while the control class scored 42.3%. The t-test yielded a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) and a t-value of 3.846 (>t-table 2.074), indicating that the ethnoscience-based connected learning model effectively enhanced students' creative thinking skills.


Connected; Creative thinking; Ethnoscience; Integrated science; Pancasila student profile

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