
Issue Title
Vol 10, No 3 (2024): September Gamification in Enhancing Student Financial Knowledge, Engagement, and Enjoyment in Financial Education Abstract  PDF
Arief Yulianto, Suwito Eko Pramono, Angga Pandu Wijaya, Nasrun Nasrun
Vol 8, No 3 (2022): September A Vocational School Cutting-Edge Learning Strategy: Examining Gamification Towards Student Engagement and Achievement Abstract  PDF
Nur Rohmah
Vol 9, No 3 (2023): September Relevance between Blended Learning and Students' Independent Learning Curriculum : An Overview of Digital Age Education, Student and Teacher Engagement, Technological Resources. Abstract  PDF
Ignatius Septo Pramesworo, Irwan Fathurrochman, Darmawanta Sembing, B.M.A.S Anaconda Bangkara, Didi Sudrajat
Vol 9, No 3 (2023): September Understanding Student Engagement in Hybrid Learning : An Analysis Impact Digital Literacy and Academic Self-Efficacy Abstract  PDF
Fitra Jaya, Adisthy Shabrina Nurqamarani
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): June Academic Motivation, Perceived Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior, and Student Engagement in Online Statistics Course of Indonesian Undergraduates: An Investigation of Relations and Predictability Abstract  PDF
Astri Setiamurti, Rose Mini Agoes Salim, Frieda Maryam Mangunsong, Shahnaz Safitri, Atikah Ainun Mufidah, Maridha Normawati
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