Table of Contents
Research Articles
Development of Ludo Game Based Android as Learning Media on Reduction and Oxidation Reaction Material
Iswendi Iswendi, Iryani Iryani, Indah Fedya Sari, Puji Aptriyani Anggelia Ningsih
Exploring the Scientific Output and Impact of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta: A Bibliometric Analysis
Sheikh Abu Toha Md Saky, Md. Nurul Isam
Performance Evaluation of the Regional Aids Commission in New Case Detection Rate Activities
Rita Astuti, Saimi Saimi, Sastrawan Sastrawan
The Potential of Light Brick from Plywood Industrial Waste as Sound-Absorbing Construction Material
Noer Af'idah, Andri Wahyu Wijayadi, Elly Indahwati
Scientific Horizon: Basis for Developing Basic Mathematics Teaching Materials
Al Kusaeri, Habib Husnial Pardi, Erpin Evendi
Evaluation of the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) Effectiveness in Bima City
Serosa Andi Kurniawati, Saimi Saimi, Sastrawan Sastrawan
Harvesting and Evaluating Uptake Machropage Induced by Ciprofloxacin HCl-Alginate-Carrageenan Pulmosphere
Aulia Charis Aqsha, Mahardian Rahmadi, Dewi Melani Hariyadi