The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to the Metacognitive Ability of Primary School Students

Intan Dwi Hastuti, Yuni Mariyati, S. Sutarto, Chairun Nasirin


This study aimed at analyzing the effect of guided inquiry learning to the metacognitive ability of primary school students on the material of Least Common Multiple (KPK) and Greatest Common Divisor (FPB). The type of study was a mixed-method using quantitative and qualitative methods. There were 55 students of 4th grade used as the subjects of study. Two learning models were compared, namely guided inquiry learning model and conventional learning model. The students’ metacognitive ability was measured by means of problem-solving test on the material of Least Common Multiple (KPK) and Greatest Common Divisor (FPB). The quantitative analysis data used descriptive and inferential statistical tests. According to the results of data analysis, it was discovered that the t-test of sig (2-tailed) from the independent samples t-test of post-test was 0,00 (p = <0,05); this indicated that there was a significant difference on it. This showed that there was a difference of students’ metacognitive ability for both classes in solving the problems of Least Common Multiple (KPK) and Greatest Common Divisor (FPB) after the guided inquiry learning was implemented. Consequently, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on the implementation of guided inquiry learning model to improve the students’ metacognitive ability in solving the material problems of Least Common Multiple (KPK) and Greatest Common Divisor (FPB).


Guided Inquiry, Metacognitive Ability, Primary School

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