Development of E-Module Based on Flip Book Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Skills

Makhroji Makhroji, Rahmiati Rahmiati, Chairuddin Chairuddin, Irma Dewi Isda


This research aims to develop E-module teaching materials based on Flip Book media to improve students' speaking skills. This research method used research and development with the Plomp model consisting of three stages: preliminary analysis phase, development or manufacture of prototypes, and assessment. The research instrument used a questionnaire, while the data analysis technique was quantitative. Based on the results of the media product feasibility test validation, the value was 85.62%, while the media feasibility test percentage was 89.58%. Next, the practicality test with a percentage of 0.86%, the results of the feasibility test and practicality test showed that the flip book-based e-module product developed was in the very valid category and suitable for use without revision. Meanwhile, the results of the N-gain score test for increasing students' speaking skills each semester towards increasing speaking skills are in the medium category, so it can be concluded that using e-modules based on Flip Book media can improve students' speaking skills.


E-Module Development; Media Flip Books; Speaking Ability.

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