Development of Algebra Test Using the Item Response Theory Approach for Junior High School Students
This research aims to develop valid and reliable measuring tool for students' algebraic abilities that can be used in schools and the general public. The research follows a structured test development design, including stages such as preparing test specifications and items, field testing, revising items, and test development. The questions are aligned with the 2013 curriculum syllabus, ensuring relevance to educational standards. The test was given to 662 junior high school students in Kendari City, Indonesia, and their responses were analyzed using the item response theory (IRT) model with two logistic parameters: item difficulty level and item discriminatory power. The BILOG MG program was employed to estimate item and ability parameters. Before conducting item analysis with IRT, essential assumption tests were conducted, including unidimensional and model fit tests. The results of the development process, based on item analysis using BILOG MG, yielded 15 items covering various aspects of algebraic abilities. These items were derived from indicators such as recognizing algebraic forms, identifying elements within these forms, performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations on algebraic forms, presenting and solving real-world problems in algebraic contexts, and addressing contextual problems involving algebraic operations. The items demonstrated good fit with the model and exhibited an appropriate level of item difficulty and discriminatory power, making them suitable for use as a reliable assessment tool. Consequently, these developed tests are deemed effective for measuring students' foundational algebraic abilities.
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