The Effect of Cooking Class on the Cognitive Abilities of Group a Kindergarten Children in Cluster IV Gedangan Sidoarjo District

Syifaul Adhimah, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Miftakhul Jannah


This study aims to determine the effect of cooking class activities on the cognitive abilities of group A children in Cluster IV, Gedangan Sidoarjo District. This study uses a quasi-experimental design through a quantitative approach. The experimental design used was nonequivalent control group design. The subjects in this study were the children of group A RA Al Islah Karangbong with a total of 51 children as the experimental group and PAUD Tashwirul Afkar Karangbong with a total of 30 children as the control group. Data analysis techniques in this study used non-parametric statistics with the Mann Whitney Test. The results of this study indicate that "there is an effect of cooking class activities on the cognitive abilities of Group A kindergarten children in Cluster IV Gedangan Sidoarjo District" with a statistical value of Z = -4.076 with a significance level of 0.000 or less than 5%. This shows that there is an effect of cooking class activities on the cognitive abilities of Group A kindergarten children. Cooking class activities can be used as an interesting and fun learning reference for children in improving children's cognitive abilities because children get direct experience.


cooking class, cognitive ability

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