Upaya Menurunkan Kadar Ion Logam Besi Pada Air Sumur Dengan Memanfaatkan Arang Ampas Tebu

Dahlia Rosma Indah, Hendrawani Hendrawani


The levels of iron metal ions in the well water can cause health problems,
causing the yellow color on the walls of the bathroom tub and the yellow
spots on the clothes. One way of water treatment is by adsorption technique
using charcoal from bagasse. The first step is to first determine the level of
iron metal ions in the well water in the village of Palempat, Batulayar
District, West Lombok. Furthermore, the well water is contacted with sugar
cane bagasse. The manufacture of amphibians includes the sample
preparation process, wash with water, drying in the sun, and the refining at
250ºC for 2.5 hours then sieved. The sugarcane bagasse that has been put
into 100mLsampelair well with a mass of 2 grams of adsorbent. Samples were
then stirred at contact time variations of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes at
180 rpm using a batch system. The best contact time used to calculate the
efficiency of decreasing iron metal ion content is by calculating the difference
of iron metal ions before adsorption and after adsorption using charcoal of
bagasse. From the research, it was found that iron metal ion content in the
sample was 0.1683 ppm. The optimum contact time on iron metal ion
adsorption is at 120 minutes contact resulting in optimum adsorption
efficiency in iron metal that is 65.83%.


Iron metal ion; Adsorption; Sugar Cane

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33394/hjkk.v5i2.1590


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