Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Tulis bagi Guru SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram

Tri Setianingsih, Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah, Sri Ariani, Muhamad Suhaili


This community service activity was held in SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram, NTB Province.  This school is located approximately 6 km from the location of the team. Located in the center of Mataram city. The purpose of this activity is to make the teachers in SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram know the ways of writing and the forms of a paper and ultimately be able to automatically express their ideas, ideas and experiences during the teaching and learning process into a scientific writing eligible to be published in an ISSN journal. The training activities were held because to the collaboration of both parties namely SMA Hang Tuah 3 Mataram and the dedication team from IKIP Mataram.


Training, Scientific Papers, Teachers


K.M. Nasution, Mahyuddin. (2017). “Cara Penulisan Karya Ilmiah”., 16 Mei 2017.

Rizka, M. A., & Tamba, W. (2019). Pelatihan Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Nonformal Bagi Pengelola Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) di Kecamatan Gunungsari Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Paradharma (Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEK), 2(1). DOI:

Tindaon, Ferisman. (2017). “Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah 2016”. Research Gate 24 Oktober 2017.



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Copyright (c) 2020 Tri Setianingsih, Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah, Sri Ariani, Muhamad Suhaili

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Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA

ISSN: 2722-5097 (Online)

Published by LPPM Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA)

Email: [email protected]

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