Lu`luin Najwa, Muhammad Iqbal, Eneng Garnika


Abstract: The accreditation of early child education is a series of activities that begin with an assessment of the fulfillment of 8 educational standards then continued with an assessment of 10 components of child growth and development stimulation. This study aims at determining the level of effectiveness of early childhood education in West Nusa Tenggara Province, based on the results of accreditation in 2021. Data from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and chi square analysis to obtain patterns of relationships between accreditation results with educational pathways, types of service, and districts where early childhood education units are located. The results of this study show that: 1) The result of accreditation of early childhood education units in NTB Province in 2021 out of 600 units, there were 5 units (0.8%) that received grade A, 342 units (57%) with grade B, and 253 units (42.2%) with grade C; 2) The most accredited service programs are Playgroup with 310 units (51.7%) and Kindergarten with 243 units (40.5%); 3) The three regions with the highest number of units are Bima District with 156 units (26%), East Lombok District with 130 units (21.7%), and Central Lombok District with 93 units (15.5%); 4) Chi Square test results show that the variables of Service Programs, Education Pathways, and Districts/Cities are significantly correlated with Accreditation Results; and 5) A total of 347 units (57.8%) have conducted effective stimulation and facilitation, while 253 units (42.2%) units have not been effective.
Key Words: Effectiveness, Early Childhood Education, Accreditation

Abstrak: Akreditasi PAUD merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang diawali dengan penilaian pemenuhan 8 standar pendidikan yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penilaian terhadap 10 komponen stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat efektivitas pendidikan anak usia dini di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, berdasarkan hasil akreditasi tahun 2021. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif dan analisis chi square untuk memperoleh pola hubungan antara hasil akreditasi dengan jalur pendidikan, program atau jenis layanan, dan kabupaten/kota tempat satuan PAUD berada.Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa: 1) Hasil akreditasi satuan PAUD di Provinsi NTB tahun 2021 dari 600 satuan PAUD, terdapat 5 satuan (0,8%) yang memperoleh nilai A, 342 satuan (57%) dengan nilai B, dan 253 satuan (42.2%) dengan nilai C; 2) Program layanan terbanyak yang diakreditasi adalah KB dengan 310 satuan (51.7%) dan TK sebanyak 243 satuan (40.5%); 3) Tiga daerah dengan jumlah satuan terbanyak adalah Kabupaten Bima dengan 156 satuan (26%), Kabupaten Lombok Timur dengan 130 satuan (21.7%), dan Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dengan 93 satuan (15.5%); 4) Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukkan bahwa variabel Program Layanan, Jalur Pendidikan, dan Kabupaten/Kota berkorelasi signifikan dengan Hasil Akreditasi; dan 5) Sebanyak 347 satuan (57.8%) telah melakukan stimulasi dan fasilitasi yang efektif, sedangkan sebanyak 253 satuan (42.2%) satuan belum efektif.
Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Akreditasi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33394/vis.v10i1.5762


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